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Because of the ongoing effect of the Coronavirus pandemic, ALL current MMOC events are subject to significant changes to their usual program or cancellation. Please DO NOT travel to any event without first checking with the organiser to ensure it is taking place.

Minors On Tour - UK!

All the fun of MOT but no need for a passport

Where MOT-UK have visited

Minors On Tour UK (MOT UK), is a week long holiday for members of the Morris Minor Owners Club. Each year it visits a different part of the UK, and is based around a campsite which can provide various types of accommodation. Although some participants choose to find their own accommodation nearby.

It is designed to be a relaxing week for members, and therefore although various activities are organized, none of these are compulsory and people are free to choose which, if any, they take part in. The activities are generally chosen to give a flavour of the area in which it is set. However there some which due to their popularity have become firm favourites.

The Farewell Meal takes place on the Friday evening, and where possible is held on the campsite. If this is not possible, then an alternative venue is sought, and previously it has been held at

Examples of these are The Walk, The BBQ, and the Farewell Meal. The walk, more of a leisurely stroll really, is always well supported, and enjoyed by all.

In the early days of MOT UK the BBQ usually meant that people would bring their own BBQ’s, and gather together in a suitable area of the campsite. Unfortunately however with the uncertainty of the weather if at all possible this event is now organized by our campsite hosts, and therefore, if required, protection from the elements can be provided.

hotels, restaurants, and even golf clubs. This event gives participants a final opportunity for a social get together before they leave on the Saturday. During the evening both a raffle and auction is held, and funds are collected for our chosen charities.

We hope that this very brief resume of what MOT UK is all about, whets your appetite, and that we will see you there in the not too distant future.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list please contact: billhewlett@mmoc.co.uk